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  • Tulle Messina

    Tulle with a height of 100 cm is a common choice for the production of embroidery coverlets. This height is wide enough to allow sufficient space for embroidery and to create an interesting decorative design, while the fabric itself remains light and transparent, features that are often desired for this type of application.

  • Tulle Rigato

    Tulle semirigido, declinato in 2 colorazioni argento e oro, ideale per la produzione di accessori natalizi e decorazioni natalizie.

  • Tulle Ricamo Nadia

    Tulle che si presta come base di lavori di ricamo che impreziosiscono abbigliamento e accessori da bambino.

  • Tulle Illusion

    Tulle leggermente elastico dalla mano morbida. Può rappresentare la base di partenza per la realizzazione di costumi da danza usandolo così com’è oppure arricchendolo con altri tessuti.

  • Tulle Dora

    L’intramontabile tulle con la sua vasta gamma di colori disponibili, data a qualsiasi tipo di utilizzo, come: l’ abbigliamento, la confezione di tutù per la danza, abiti da sposa, fiocchi, decorazioni, confezioni floristiche e dolciarie, travestimenti carnevaleschi e teatrali, e per vetrinistica in generale.


  • Tulle Crizia Extra

    Semi-soft tul, light and voluminous, good for the realisation of accessories for dance costumes.

  • Tulle Crash

    Tulle dalla mano ruvida, disponibile in colori uniti e laminati. Con la sua trama a fili irregolari, risulta adatto per decorazioni e accessori abiti di Carnevale.

  • Tulle Bomboniera

    Tulle dal disegno raffinato ed elegante che grazie ai suoi colori classici è perfetto per realizzare decorazioni, oggettistica, bomboniere ed abiti da sposa.

  • Satin Ginevra

    Fodera leggera e robusta, dalla mano setosa e fluida. Ideale per fodere interne di gonne abiti, giacche e borse.

  • Satin Elastic Sandra Extra


    Stretch satin fabric, fine and fresh look. Thanks to satin glossy finighing and cotton confort, is perfect for classic clothing: Trousers, skirts, blazers and overcoats. Also used in cushions manufacturing and home accessories.

  • Raso Poly Jacquard

    Satin fabric, midium weight, with Jacquard mainly used in funeral manufaturing.

  • Raso Keope

    Satin fabric, midium weight, shiny finishing, ideal for fashion clothing, carnival costumes, padding, and decoration manufacuring.

  • Fresco Monacale 735

    Tessuto base poliestere ideale per la realizzazioe di abiti per la prima comunione.

Showing all 13 items

Fabrics for sacred vestments: fabrics and materials for the ecclesiastical world
Manifattura Foderami Cimmino represents a reference point for the choice of fabrics designed to create religious clothes that meet the various requests for attention to detail and rigorous selection of raw materials. Within the constantly updated catalog, you can choose the best fabrics to make chasubles, cassocks, dalmatics, cassocks, veils, necklaces and scapulars to be declined in various liturgical colors.

The furnishings and sacred vestments feature precious details and elaborate decorations that further enrich the precious fabrics, such as damasks, brocades and lampas, and the remarkable embroidery featuring polychrome silks and gold yarns. The ecclesiastical clothes have their roots in the Roman era, but have undergone several changes over the years: Manifattura Foderami Cimmino has always oriented the selection of fabrics for sacred clothing taking into account all the new provisions in matter of liturgy.
Ecclesiastical fabrics: liturgical colors for petticoats and outer garments
Within the catalog of fabrics designed for the liturgy it is possible to choose between fabrics for making inner garments or petticoats, such as the alb, the amice, the surplice and the cingolo and fabrics for making outer garments, such as the dalmatic-tunicella, the planet and cope.

There are many liturgical colors available depending on their symbolic intentionality. White is the one intended for the inner garments and sacred linen, while red, green, purple, black and pink are the chromatic shades indicated for the outer garments, the insignia and the sacred coverings. In Cimmino fabrics great attention is paid to every detail, for a precious and refined result.