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  • Tela Juta Calcutta Naturale


    Juta 100% naturale grezza con una trama fitta, idonea per hobby creativi, decorazioni varie, imballaggi, usata anche nel settore del floravivaismo.

  • Canvas Jute Calcutta Color

    100% natural jute available in many colors, It used for creative hobbies, decorations, gift items, bags, bags, favors, used in the horticultural sector.

  • Tela Effetto Juta Poly

    Polyester fake Jute with Christmas designs, Mainly used for home furnishings & gadgets creations. Suggested for the Handcraft world.

  • Tela Cotone Minorca


    Cotton fabric, used for trousers and jeans pocketing.

  • Tela Cotone Sorrento

    Cotton fabric ideally use for trousers, jeans pocketing, etc. Also used for installations, decorations, sets en bobby. Wide colours sheets.

  • Tela Aida 55 fori

    Tessuto in 100% cotone in altezza 180cm con 55 fori ideale per il ricamo a punto croce. Utilizzato anche per: tovaglie – tovagliette – bavaglini – piccoli lavoretti ed hobbistica

  • Sintetico Siberia

    Syntetic wadding used as padding for headboard, armchairs, pillows, bumpers, weding favours, etc etc. Also used to emulate “fake snow” in sets.

  • Sintetico gr 100 e gr 150

    Syntetic wadding used as padding for headboard, armchairs, pillows, bumpers, weding favours, etc etc. Also used to emulate “fake snow” in sets.

  • Rete Prius

    Laminated mesh. Mostly used for decorations, home decor and applications on clothes and accessories. Available in gold and silver.

  • Panno Fantasia Stampato

    Printed Felt, mainly used for creative sewing, Christmas & Easter gifts, events & parties decoration, hobbies & handcrafts, carnival clothes, puppets and several accessories.

  • Panno Best Stampato Dgt

    Needle-punched fabric, with digital printed patter: Flowers Suitable for accessories and decorations.

  • Panno Best 1,4 mm

    A 1,5 mm classic felt, mainly used for various types of creative sewing, Christmas and Easter gifts, events and parties decoration, hobbie & handcrafts, carnival clothes, puppets and several accessories.

Showing 25–36 of 64 items